Google Maps Converting time to distance (Google Maps) The Access findings provide better insight into consumers' tolerance for distance than the oft-cited statistic (but of unknown origin) that 80% of consumer spending is made within 20 miles of home. them. And it shows that consumers often want stores that are closer than the Google study found, which found that 72% of consumers searching locally visited a store within 5 miles. Thus, we can estimate that consumers are looking for local businesses such as grocery stores, coffee shops, convenience stores,
pharmacies, dry cleaners, gyms, housewares, courier/shipping services, and gas stations. service that are within two to four miles of their location. Given the importance of location in converting local search results into purchases, below are six tips for using jewelry photo editing service location information to boost your local search marketing . If you want to know how to use location data for targeting, check out this previous article. The following tips focus on communicating the location information that consumers look for when deciding where to buy. 1. Make it easier to find location information It's easy to overlook the importance of
highlighting location information on web pages or landing pages when designing creatives and content about your product or service. Especially with the current trend of large, singular hero graphics and the need to scale the mobile screen, choices are frequently made about what content to keep and what to cut on the front page or above. of the fold. Location is too critical an influence on consumer choice to be sacrificed in those choices. Addresses, maps, and cross streets that show your store's location should be highly visible. If not on the front page, prominent labels linking location information should be easy to find. 2.