With the summer holidays coming to an end, we’re getting ready to start the
school year. As a student who has been managing food allergies, I understand the
anxiety that can come with going back to school. Here are some tips I’ve followed
that have helped me manage my food allergies in the classroom.
Make your food allergies known.
One of the most effective ways to manage your food allergies is to share this
information with others proactively. Collaborate with your doctor to devise a
reaction plan. Communicate this plan to your teachers, administrators, staff, and
school nurse. Include details about your specific allergies, symptoms, and
necessary medications. You can even consider using medical info jewelry, like
Medic Alert, to ensure others are aware of your condition.
Take precautions to stay safe.
While educating others about your food allergies is crucial, taking personal
safety measures is equally important. Whether it's giving a presentation about food
allergies, setting up a food-allergy-friendly lunch table, stocking allergen-friendly
emergency foods in the school office, or carrying your medication on field trips,
these actions empower you to take control of your safety.
Have medication ready.
In addition to letting others know, having your allergy medication (e.g., Epi-
Pen, Auvi-Q, antihistamine) in your backpack or with an adult at school is
essential. Ensure you know how to use it (maybe practice with a trainer) and that
your friends/teachers know its location/usage. I use a small, insulated
pouch to carry my medication, which has been very useful.
For more tips, check out FARE’s (Food Allergy Research & Education)
back-to-school resource hub. Happy back-to-school!